Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Evaluating a Job Offer

Evaluating a Job Offer

Q When interviewing for jobs, you're interviewing the organizations as much as they are interviewing you. Is it a good fit? Do they have what you need in terms of the various types of compensations that would make the job worthwhile? Does it offer a work/life balance?

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The evaluation of the job offer is very much important otherwise, it is impossible to know whether the criteria of the employer are matching with the skills and qualification of the candidate or not. A job candidate should measure whether the job is perfect for them. The perks and benefits should be evaluated (Granovetter 2018). The salary packages and any kind of incentive package should be measured. Even the time of the office should be evaluated. However, on certain cases, there can be also a negotiation with the higher management for a higher salary.